Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Table Rasa

When we moved in over a year ago, I went through a very crafty phase. Then I ran out of projects and that was that. But in the past few months, I've wanted to get back in the game. I needed an inspiration.

 They reminded me of retro picture books I used to read at my grandparents' house. Twelve cheap dollar store frames and a bottle of spray paint later, I put this wall together.

Then I decided to tackle the project that needed my attention. I bought a used Ikea coffee table last year, and covered it with a world map. I loved that thing, and but unfortunately the wear and tear of our lives has taken its toll. Global warming, if you will (e.g. late night fried chicken residue, shudder).  It was gross.

I had a U.S. map from when I bought the other one and some left over spray paint.


I give it a few months days before destruction hits.

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