Friday, September 21, 2012

Dino Days Of Summer

"Hold on to your butts" - Ray Arnold, Jurassic Park

One of my favorite all time movies is Jurassic Park. It's one of those that if I stumble upon it while flipping through the channels, I can't not watch it. It's just so good, right?

It's also one of the first movies I remember Dolo taking me to as a child, back when I was a brat. Anyway, since then I've always had a love for dinosaurs, and so when I found out Dolo took my 11 year-old cousin to the dinosaur exhibit at the Houston Natural History Museum, I insisted we go too. (Because I am still a brat.)

This past weekend she obliged because she's the best grandma in the world. Here are a few pictures if you're interested (including important dino facts!).

Petting a Wooly Mammoth skeleton.
So I guess Spiros should stop being a baby about great white sharks in the Pacific. 
Best grandma ever, making friends.
So at one point scientists tried to claim triceratops (one of the BEST dinosaurs) did not actually exist, throwing life as we knew it into a tail spin. But here one is so who knows what to believe.
These are Dolo's favorite, but since I HATE birds, they scare me more than anything.

And now to blow your mind with knowledge. You know how T-Rex has those tiny little baby arms? Like the really awkward ones for such a giant dino? Well, according to this museum, they were used for "gentle stroking and tickling during courtship and family bonding." HAHAHAHAHA. That is the least scary thing I've ever heard! I also learned that Jurassic Park totally lied to us about how to hide from a T-Rex. Apparently standing still does nothing - they would totally be able to smell you. 

So there you have it. Don't say you never learned anything reading this blog! Happy Friday!

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