Monday, June 4, 2012

Life is Beautiful

Their love story has been ten years in the making, my love story with them has been five. I met Nicki and Joe on a random trip around Europe. Nicki and her roommates let The BFF and I sleep on their couch the first few weeks we were in New York (which included an infamous Red Lobster incident). Their happiness has been my happiness, and when I left the city in January, one of the best feelings I had was realizing how everything had come full circle with this amazing group of friends.

This weekend was one of high anticipation, and the beauty and sweetness (and awesome food) surpassed expectations. What made it even better was having Spiros come in town for the celebration (read: jump through massive hoops) and introducing him to some of my favorite friends in the world. Even though there were some brief moments of panic (e.g. having to rent a car last minute, arriving only an hour before the wedding, rain threatening the outdoor ceremony), the whole thing was perfect.

And the best part? My jokes about crashing their honeymoon in Greece are going to come true. (Having a Greek boyfriend comes in handy.) As Nicki would say, "Life is beautiful!!!!"

So full of happiness.
The groom photo-bombing the background
The BFF's fascinator was quite fascinating... bwahah
Ol' Honeymoon Crashers.

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