Monday, June 11, 2012

Just Like "Step Mom" Except in German and Without the Cancer

On Thursday, Spiros announced his joint-custody dog Kia was coming to spend the weekend with us. (Sort of a similar situation to my Denver dog friend Merl! Lives with mommy but daddy visitation rights on the weekend.) Anyway, as excited as I was to meet Kia ("Kia is so beautiful, Kia is so smart.") I was still nervous to take care of her all day on Friday while Spiros was at work. Y'all - being a dog step-mom is hard work!

First of all, Kia speaks German. And second, she never uses a leash. I imagined losing her the first second I took her outside. Just like that scene in Step Mom with the little boy, and Julia Roberts can't find him anywhere! That was going to be me! Except shouting in broken German!

But luckily she respected me (it might have helped that I prepared her delicious raw meat/fresh apple-carrot meals for her) and tolerated being on a leash because she knew I was totally uncool. We had a nice day walking in the park, playing fetch (something none of our family dogs have ever "chosen to learn" because they refuse to act like real dogs).

Anyway, now we are best friends and I can't wait for her to come back at the end of June! Awww fraulein Kia, we love you!

I might add the meat was organic. Cough cough spoiled cough cough.
Tom Cruise, Top Gun
"What a beautiful tray for me to rest my head!"
Can you feel the love tonight?
I'm sexy and I know it (Spiros is a total dog-outfit enabler!)
See, my head is so tiny!
I call this one "Dog socks and a dog"
I am not amused.
When is daddy coming home!?!?!?

Warning: My puppy fever is palpable now that she's gone. 

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