Sunday, June 10, 2012

Berlin, Baby!

Oh Berlin, it's good to be back! A little weird in a "how did this end up happening?" kind of way - considering when I left I had no idea if I'd ever make it back here - but still great.

I arrived on Tuesday, two days before Spiros. Originally we were go be on the same flight, but "one of us has to work" (my mom's favorite thing to say to me and my retired father) so he ended up having to stay in the states for a few more meetings.

In some ways, coming alone provided a better opportunity for me to settle in and get more comfortable than if he were standing there watching me shove things in his closet and take over an entire bathroom. Instead of me awkwardly asking him a million obligatory questions about storage and where to find things, I was able to take matters into my own hands. It kind of felt like when I came to Berlin last August and made myself at home in a strange, furnished apartment. Except instead of weird 90s East German furniture, Spiros has great taste. He's, like, such a real person!

Anyway, it's been such a great almost week here. And to Greece! Opa!

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