So I have a lot of "soulmates" in life - and a few months ago I found my blogger soulmate(s). Elle & Em - two longtime BFFs! - at I randomly stumbled upon it searching for a 30 Rock Liz Lemon "dealbreaker" quote, which they had obviously written about at one point. Duh, soulmates.
Anyway, I've linked to their site a few times, and visa versa.
Haven't read it in a few days due to actual work, etc., but after I just wrote about spotting FH 2.0 on the street, I saw this post from Tuesday:
Murphy's Law. You are real and a bitch, and a REAL BITCH
True story, last summer I tried speed dating on a whim, it was....interesting. I don't think its necessarily the where I will find a husband, or the owner of my future monogrammed towels, but it is definitely an experience that I think everyone should try just for kicks.
Anyway, I ended up going on a few dates with a cute lanky, and very nice British guy. Great on paper, he was cute, owned his apartment, had a great job, but the chemistry wasn't there I bailed. Literally, I bailed, i.e. stopped responding to emails, calls, texts. I felt pretty lame/ pathetic/ rude, and should have just done the big girl thing and said, "yeah, I don't think this is working".
Well, the Brit got his, because last night as I was ducking out of the gym, post workout, I run into him on the street. It wasn't a "Hello" type run in, it was a stop, stare and walk away. So, true story, if you treat a boy not so well, you WILL see him again, and Mr. Murphy and his law will dictate that you won't look lovely, in fact, you will probably be tomato red, with sweaty hair, and in old yoga pants.
Glad we share the pleasure of having had awkward, post-gym ex spottings this week. Like I said, soulmates.
PS Love the headband suggestions from Em.
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