By definition, a model is paid to be hot. So guys seem to be automatically wowed with another guy if he says he's dating a model.
Now, if you think about it, there are a lot of people who are quote unquote models. They are not all equally attractive. And let's be honest, even some of the more successful ones I don't necessarily find to be THAT gorgeous. Yes, they take great pictures, but in person most are freak-skinny and maybe even a tiny bit creepy looking. So unless your buddy's girlfriend is a Victoria Secret Angel, should everyone be that impressed? [Note: I would just like to throw in here that Victoria Secret is hosting their fashion show at the Armory next to my apt on Thurs...perhaps I will do a bit of stalking by the side exit...DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM MY APARTMENT!]
I digress.
Anyway, undoubtedly, though, guys will be impressed and jealous. But not as jealous as other girls. Especially the girl a guy dates post-model gf. Friends have told me stories about this phenomena when normal girls get a hardcore case of model-induced CGS worrying about their own ranking compared to his ex. Like I said, unless she was an Angel, don't freak out too much...
The stereotype-induced fear, though, is hard to shed. I personally have decided against pursuing conversations with cute guys who have been introduced with the resume of "he's dated a lot of models." Thanks but no thanks.
Now let's look at the flip-side. For girls, dating a model is not impressive, a non-issue. IMO, the lure of male models is so lacking it's almost comical. Zoolander style - vapid, dull, more beautiful than me - is not appealing.
So what label will be most-likely to impress your friends while instilling at least a little bit of jealousy about the new catch you've landed?
"He played college baseball."
Really, think long and hard. Can you think of any demographic across the board that is so prone to hotness?
Athletic/nice body = check
Tan (the sport requires you to be outdoors for extended periods of time in the spring/summer!) = check
Confident = check
Nice smile = usually, right?
Clearly I'm basing this on prejudice a bit - not only did I go to a school that dominated at baseball (and FOOTBALL!!!) - but we also had some very attractive players.
Like Huston Street. SWOON x 100000000000. He also went to my high school. And he also used to talk to me in the hallway on the way to our next-door classrooms. Swooooooooooon.
So, that is my theory of the day.
Guys find models to be the most brag-worthy dates. And girls have former college baseball players.
That is all.
Happy Monday.
Especially IVY baseball boys :)