Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"You Doing Anything After Dinner Tonight?"

Beep beep bzzzz.

That's the noise my texts make. Oh sweet text message anticipation, who is seeing what I'm up to?

Oh, it's you. Jimmy.

Jimmy is a club promoter who The BFF and I met awhile ago. And for almost a year - give or take a few months - we have been on his "Hey girl" text distribution list. Well, I should say "I have been" ... The BFF recently realized he hasn't texted her since October 22!

After months without responding to his unwarranted "Hottest Party in NYC" texts, I have recently taken him up a few times on his offers. I mean, going to 'da club - in this case usually Tenjune - isn't my weekly routine, but every now and then (especially when friends are in town who I know will make it fun) I can enjoy partaking in a little free bottle service and getting my dance on to "Rise Up."

The last time I saw him, Jimmy told me I looked like a model. I'm not totally sure what that means (like anyone can be a catalogue model for example). Then he introduced me to his girlfriend. And then he tried to kiss me. Classy.

Anyway, I've started realizing that guys will come and go, full-court text press and then fall off the radar, but my textual relationship with Jimmy is going strong. So even if my dating roster isn't full, I will at least have someone to prove to me that my phone is indeed working. Beep beep bzzzz.

"WEATHER REPORT: Crowded with a chance of *Sparkler Bottles* Tonight!!! Are you coming??"

At least there is a guy out there asking me out. Even if it is via mass text. And even if he is kind of sleazy.

It's something.

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