Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I'm, Like, Really European Now

"You are so euro!" - comment left on FB re: this pic 
My time on The Continent has taught me a thing or two. For starters, I eat soft boiled eggs now. We even use the little stands and tiny spoons.

I now know there is a difference between techno music, electro music, and house music. I couldn't tell you what that difference actually is, but just that there is one.

Europe has also taught me that sometimes having the government in on your biznance isn't so bad. Two years of maternity leave paying you 60% of what you were making? For men and women? Not too shabby.

And don't even get me started on those 30 days of vacation per year. Working to live isn't so bad.

I've only got a little while left here in Berlin. While I'm beyond excited to get back home to place where people speak my language (I'm not so Euro that I picked up German like it ain't no thang), I will miss the ability to pack up and spend a weekend in another country as if you're just heading to another state.

I guess I can't be too sad though. One perk of having a European boyfriend - he'll always want to come visit! (And hopefully he'll bring me along too...)

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