Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I Forgot To Mention ...

I have an article in this month's Cosmo magazine! It's part of the regular "The Naughtiest Thing I've Ever Done" column. Clearly my parents are so proud... 

I wrote about how before I left for Germany last summer, I dated two guys at one time. I mean, I was leaving! Why not!? Then they both showed up at my going away party... and one of them picked up the entire tab - including drinks for the other guy. Of course the article got a little Cosmo'd-up from the editors, but in the grand scheme of life it was more funny than scandalous.

Anyway, if you happen to be waiting in a long line at the grocery store in the next few days (before they switch out for the newest issue) or getting a mani/pedi and spot the cover, maybe you can take a peak and see if you see my byline! Eeek.

This is the issue!
Who is this girl?
Never mind, just IMBD'd her.
Should I be watching Pretty Little Liars?

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