Monday, October 15, 2012

The Newest Adventure

A new adventure, a new masthead. (Are you happy now, Dolo? Apparently calling my family to check in doesn't mean as much as updating ye ol' blog, so there ya go.)

After our road trip, Spiros and I have spent the past few days settling into our new (temporary corporate housing) home. Besides the fact that every single other person living here has a dog and we are both suffering from "No, you have to be the voice of reason! Let's just go get a puppy!" mental breakdowns, it is quite nice.

So far we've: Joined a Bikram yoga studio, made multiple trips to Target and Trader Joe's, hung out with one of my oldest (as in we've known each other since we were babies) friend and her husband, saw a rainbow, and went to the beach. Because even though it's mid-October, we can still do that so do that we will!

It's definitely going to be a transition settling into the suburbs (we're 45 minutes from LA with no traffic, you see), but part of me is excited. As much as we both love big cities, the joy of jumping in the car to go to the grocery store instead of slogging home in the rain weighted down by heavy bags is magical. Sometimes it's the little things, ya know?

P dot S: I officially started my job search. In an effort to avoid a million hour commute each day, I looked in our area. Apparently Red Lobster is hiring and so is Petsmart grooming center. Hmmm.

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