Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Longhorn Experience

I haven't been to a Longhorn football game in five years. In some ways, when I was back at my friend Meredith's family's tailgate surrounded by my closest Kappa pals from the good ol' days, it felt like yesterday. But then when I think back to our senior year in college - a time when I had short, blonde hair - I realize it was a life time ago. (I mean, I've been to New York and back since then. Not to mention Berlin, etc.)

I've definitely missed it, that Longhorn Experience. The day drinking, the burnt orange accessorizing, the cowboy boots. Getting swept up in the excitement and revelry of the tradition. But really the excuse to catch up with some of my favorite people is the best part. (Isn't that always the case?)

Luckily this time around Spiros was here to enjoy it too. His first American football game. Ever. Before hand, I told him, "Remember when I was with you in Greece, listening to you speak Greek, sitting there quiet and confused. Well, that might be how you feel today." [Insert an it's all Greek to me joke here.]

But fortunately he caught on, and not only that, he enjoyed it. (Twelve straight hours of intense tailgating and game-watching, quite a feat for my little European.) Even though we ended up losing by a field goal, it was still a wonderful day.

And now, tomorrow (Monday) we hit the road for our next great adventure. Say a little prayer for us and the 200,000+ car we're driving out to California. (And for the Longhorns next week against Oklahoma.)

So well trained, he even threw up his Horns without being asked!
Mothers & Daughters: Me and Mere with our beautiful mamas!

Half of my best college pals.  
The 2012 Christmas card.
(OMG, mom, I'm JOKING. BUT if I were an only child, it would be a good option...)

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