Monday, December 10, 2012

365 Days Ago

A year ago today I was walking around a Berlin Christmas market with an American friend (hi!), telling her about a coworker who I was supposed to meet for drinks later that night. I was nervous. I wondered if it would be awkward. And for a split second I considered canceling. Little did I know but the same thoughts crossed his mind too. (Jerk! Can't believe he considered canceling! ;-)

Luckily neither of us did. It ended up being the best seven hour conversation ever. We stayed long enough for an empty bar to fill up and clear out. We talked about a million things, but mostly I remember thinking, "Why didn't we do this sooner? Too bad I'm leaving in a week!"

(Date re-created this summer when I was in Berlin)
The table and everything!

Anyway, it's been a crazy great year. We are so lucky how it's all fallen into place. I love you, babe! Sorry I played it so cool this time last year ;-) (Although we both know that's why you made such an effort to chase me around the world. bwahaha.)

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