Monday, July 23, 2012

Girl Crush: Rashida Jones & The More You Know (About Prunes)

Kind of like my former feelings toward Kristen Bell, I'll admit I used to dislike Rashida Jones based solely on her Office character Karen. I mean, obviously, anyone coming between Pam and Jim was the devil no matter how funny she might have been.

But I've since moved on. Now she plays the "sweet, beautiful Ann Perkins" on Parks & Recreation - as Leslie Knope always refers to her - and she's great. Plus she's always popping up in hilarious movies (uh hello, I Love You Man).

Basically I think she's awesome.

And then I saw these tweets. Everything about them makes me laugh, especially: the fact she was concerned about the disappearance of prunes, the fact prunes have their own PR team, and the fact she and Aziz Ansari are BFFs.

Happy Monday.

Apparently 2Chainz is a rapper. Thanks, wikipedia. 

And now you all know what happened to prunes and why Rashida Jones is a special layday.

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