Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Keep In Mind My Bed Used To Be In The Living Room

We've had our first guests over this week now that things are finally settled, and I'll be honest, it was nice to hear their feedback about our place. The words, "OMG I hate you" is the reaction I was going for. 

(Let's be real for a second. It pays to be living with a real adult who gets a real relocation package. I can't pretend like I did anything to pay for these things. I'm just a bossy visionary.) 

Anyway, I've worked hard trying to make this place feel like home, and luckily Spiros has been on board with (most) of my suggestions. Bonus, being from Greece, he isn't afraid of bright blue colors. 

Here are a few pictures of the place where we spend most of our time. (I won't say because it's the only room with a TV, but let's be real again. Duh.):

Pillows and curtains mostly from World Market. I bought the infamous Elephant lamp this time last year in Berlin! 
The painting leaning against the wall was painted by Spiros' mom, currently hiding wires away from a baby gremlin. 
Is it creepy that when I first saw the couch and coffee table at Spiros' place in Berlin like the first week we were dating I thought, "I could totally work with those"?

Tray from Target, coasters on sale from Anthro & that Anthro vase was only $28 aka practically free from that store!

Vintage chair from One Kings Lane. Baby puppy courtesy of heaven.
 Keeping temptation at bay.

Table from One Kings Lane, mirror from Home Goods. 
And, last but not least:
Surprise anniversary cake ordered by someone who knows how much I love turquoise :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

365 Days Ago

A year ago today I was walking around a Berlin Christmas market with an American friend (hi!), telling her about a coworker who I was supposed to meet for drinks later that night. I was nervous. I wondered if it would be awkward. And for a split second I considered canceling. Little did I know but the same thoughts crossed his mind too. (Jerk! Can't believe he considered canceling! ;-)

Luckily neither of us did. It ended up being the best seven hour conversation ever. We stayed long enough for an empty bar to fill up and clear out. We talked about a million things, but mostly I remember thinking, "Why didn't we do this sooner? Too bad I'm leaving in a week!"

(Date re-created this summer when I was in Berlin)
The table and everything!

Anyway, it's been a crazy great year. We are so lucky how it's all fallen into place. I love you, babe! Sorry I played it so cool this time last year ;-) (Although we both know that's why you made such an effort to chase me around the world. bwahaha.)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Franklin Is A Co-Dependent Snuggle Bunny & We Are Total Enablers

It's only been a week, but Franklin is already a full fledged member of the family. He is the ultimate``````````````````````````````````````` (he typed that last part, I don't know what he was going to say, maybe "perfect dog"?)

I won't lie, he's kind of a handful. It's so weird, after telling my parents for years how much I wanted a puppy, they never thought to mention how much work one would be?

HAHAHAHHAH just kidding. That was the moral of every conversation we've had for half a decade, even when I wasn't talking about getting a puppy.

But seriously. It's like adopting a toddler who has four legs so he can run way faster than a regular toddler. With razor sharp teeth. Thank God I don't have to feel guilty for not trying to breast feed this little monster.

And yet, we love him. Life is already a thousand times better just looking at his precious alien baby face resting 1.5 inches away from mine (because where else would he take his nap, hello?!) He is a joy and we're lucky to have him.

Like any good mom, I'm convinced he's the best, most handsomest puppy in the world. He could probably be a show biz puppy. I could be a pretty dynamo Stage Mom, I bet. But then I'd have to worry about him getting into hardcore drugs at late night shoots, and well, I can't let that happen, now can I?

So for now we'll just stick to lazying about the house and the occasional outing, like Griffith Park this weekend. (2 hours of driving for 10 minutes of hiking. Yep, we're total LAliens. (That's the word for people who live in LA, right?))

Here are a few pictures in case you are curious. (Or for my precious sick grandma who told me she's been repeatedly looking at the other ones to see her great grandbaby. Awwwwww come visit.)

This is more just so you can see what a cute butt Spiros has. bwahaha.

Maybe we could just not wake up at 5 am then we wouldn't have to sleep on the couch?

So. Beautiful.

Mama's boy.

Respecting boundaries. 

Two second leash experiment.

It's my blog, I'll put pictures of myself showered with clean hair if I want to.

Dreaming of a White Christmas. 

Our backyard. Please appreciate the palm tree!

Taking a portrait of two adults and a wily puppy is pret-ty impossible.

Still me. Hello!

Great street.
In case you didn't believe we actually moved to LA.

That face.

Spiros tells me I'm an "artist" so you better too.

Seriously. What a muse.

Spit bath.

Zoolander faces.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Because Obviously You Want To See Our Bathroom

It's the only finished room in the house so we'll start the tour here! Act excited!

What we had to work with: Beautiful retro tiles and amazing shiny metallic slate gray pant. Love. The landlord tried to get us to paint it something lighter but I was like ahhhhhhhhh nooooo I HAVE A VISION! (These were also the words I used when I convinced him to paint the living room turquoise for us. Bwahah. And he did. And he agreed it turned out really well. "You have great taste" were his exact words which probably means I should work for HGTV. Just throwing it on in the Universe, The Secret style.)

Anyway, voila:

The bathroom is big. Granted I come from the land of Polly Pocket-sized Manhattan bathrooms, but it has a ton of built-in storage space which is a game changer. (Aka it allows Spiros a place to put his stuff out of sight and for me to display tons o' treasures. Luckily he is a good sport.)

And there is kind of an awkward chest in between cabinets that was perfect for our Anthro-inspired letters. Like I said, HGTV here I come.

And can we talk about how amazing this shower curtain is? We love it. However I put Franklin in the bathroom with me while I showered today and I'm pretty sure he thought this giant beast had seized and eaten me. He was not amused.

Doesn't this look like the alien head from Independence Day? Yep, that is what I call fantastic decorating.

And, get excited , our toilet. Spiros bought me this beautiful copper piece of art in Berlin for my birthday. You can't tell how shiny it is, but it looks great with the metallic walls.

And last but not least, some of my treasures on display. All of these plates and bowls have a story, came from a trip or remind me of another time in my life. I'm glad I have somewhere to remind me of all the fun I've had (and serve a practical purpose!).

Yep, that IS a picture of dead octopi from Greece. To go with the shower curtain. I know Spiros is a keeper because when I showed him it, he told me it was PERFECT.

The end. Nautical 4 Life.

Monday, December 3, 2012

There Are No Words

Franklin is a muffin, and Spiros and I both are already head over heels for him. I don't want to jinx anything, but he's probably a puppy prodigy. He's gone potty outside - in the rain no less - like a champ! And, bonus, he seems to take after his mama in his affinity for snuggling on the couch watching TV. I'd write more, but one hand is tucked under him while he sleeps (with half-closed eyes, like he's in prison or something). Please enjoy a few of what I'm sure will be a million puppy photos!